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Mentor High School Student Government Constitution


We, the members of the Student Government of Mentor High School, elected by our peers, stand as a representative body of our fellow students. It is the duty of each elected Member to embody the values and principles of the student body.

Article I: Student Government Goals and Definitions

Section I- Goals

            A. Student Government- The goal of Student Government is to provide a voice for the student body in decisions and activities affecting the school as a whole. Student Government shall provide an environment for students to become better leaders, positively affect the community, and improve conditions at the school.

Section II- Definitions

            Executive Board- The Executive Board is compiled of those Student Government members that hold a cabinet position, or class office while also including the advisor. The Executive Board are members in which work closely with the President and advisor to maintain order and lead the organization in its endeavors.

            Special Election- A meeting of the Student Government that is called to order for a specific voting purpose. A quorum of thirteen members, including officers, must be established to move forward with the voting procedure. In the case of breaking a class officer tie, only those within the specific grade may vote and a quorum of nine must be present. In the case of impeachment, the individual being impeached may not vote.

Article II: Roles of Student Government Positions

Section 1- Duties

  • Executive Officers

1. President- The President shall be the liaison with the administration for the student body. She or he shall attend or appoint someone to attend administrative meetings including PTSA meetings, calendar committee meetings, and all other committees requiring a student representative. The President shall work with the advisor and Vice President to appoint cabinet members including Public Relations Officer, Secretary, Historian, and Treasurer. She or he is also responsible for overseeing general meetings, executive meetings, elections, and organized events. The President shall have further powers, duties, and limitations as assigned by the Student Government.

2. Vice President- The Vice President shall aid the President with his or her duties. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume his or her duties. The Vice President shall assume the Presidency if the President is no longer able to hold office. The Vice President shall have further powers, duties, and limitations as assigned by the Student Government.

3. Public Relations Specialist- The Public Relations Specialist shall be responsible for communication of Student Government activities and decisions to the student body and community. The Public Relations Specialist shall have the duty of maintaining the Student Government social media accounts. He or she shall also be responsible for updating and administering a calendar of Student Government events. He or she shall also assume the role of Bloodmobile co-chair alongside the Secretary. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, the Public Relations Specialist shall assume the role of the President. The Public Relations Specialist shall have further powers, duties, and limitations as assigned by the Student Government.

4. Secretary- The Secretary shall be responsible for recording, filing, posting, and delivering meeting minutes of all regular, executive, and special meetings of the Student Government. He or she shall be responsible for posting the agenda of upcoming meetings as they are prepared. He or she shall also have the duty of taking and recording attendance. He or she shall also assume the role of Bloodmobile co-chair alongside the Public Relations Officer. In the absence of the President, Vice President, and Public Relations Officer, he or she shall assume the role of the President. The Secretary shall have further powers, duties, and limitations as assigned by the Student Government.

5. Historian- The Historian shall be responsible for maintaining all Student Government records through documentation and proper filing. He or she shall be responsible for creating event summary pages of all Student Government events. He or she will also have the duty of working with the President to keep up to date records of all points earned by members throughout the year. He or she shall also assume the role of Feed Lake County Chairperson. In the absence of the President, Vice President, Public Relations Officer, and Secretary, he or she shall assume the role of the President. The Historian shall have further powers, duties, and limitations as assigned by the Student Government.

6. Treasurer- The Treasurer shall be responsible for all incoming and outgoing monetary funds. He or she shall be responsible for maintaining and balancing a budget report to be given once a semester. The Treasurer shall also work with the advisor and President to create fundraising opportunities for Student Government. He or she shall assume the role of United Way Chairperson. In the absence of the President, Vice President, Public Relations Officer, Secretary, and Historian, he or she shall assume the role of the President. The Treasurer shall have further powers, duties, and limitations as assigned by the Student Government.


B. Class Officers

1. Class Presidents- The Class Presidents shall perform the duties of Chief Executives of their respective classes. The Class Presidents shall preside over class meetings, and shall be responsible for appointing class committees, reporting class activities to the entire Student Government, and shall be in charge, under the Student Government, of class projects. The Class Presidents must attend executive board meetings and Student Government meetings. The Class Presidents shall have further powers, duties, and limitations as assigned by the Student Government.

2. Class Vice Presidents- The Class Vice Presidents shall exercise the powers and duties of the Class Presidents in their absence. The Class Vice Presidents shall assist in class activities and attend all executive board meetings and Student Government meetings. They will work in conjunction with the class advisors and Class Presidents to elect Class Senators. The Class Vice Presidents shall have further powers, duties, and limitations as assigned by the Student Government.

            C. Student Government Members- Student Government shall remain open to any and all students that

                 wish to join and become Representatives. Once a student becomes an official representative, they

                 shall be expected to attend any and all general meetings for the duration of the full school year. It

                 shall remain at their discretion to attend special event meetings. Student Government members

                 shall be limited to three unexcused general meeting absences per semester. When a student reaches

                 two unexcused absences, they shall be given a warning and once a third unexcused absence occurs,

                 the impeachment process shall begin. The Student Government members shall have further powers,

                 duties, and limitations as assigned.


Section II: Necessary Qualifications for Office

            A. General Requirements

1. Grade Point Average- All Student Government members including Student Government Officers, Class Officers, and general Student Government Representatives shall hold a minimum grade point average of 2.5. Failure to attain the minimum grade point average requirements shall result in temporary removal from office. Should the grade point average rise above 2.5 the following quarter, the member shall be reinstated. If not, impeachment proceedings shall begin.

            B. Student Government Officers

1. President- The President shall be a member of the senior class who has served in the Student Government for at least one year.

2. Vice President- The Vice President shall be a member of the junior or senior class who has served in the Student Government for at least one year.

C. Cabinet Members: Public Relations Specialist, Secretary, Historian, Treasurer- The cabinet members must complete an application process.

D. Class Officers- The Class Officers must be a member of their respective classes.


Article III: Meetings

Section I- Meeting Dates

The Student Government Officers and advisors will determine the dates of the meetings. Meeting dates shall be posted around the school and an announcement shall be made. There shall be at least two meetings a month of general Student Government representatives.

Section II- Attendance

Students will have a three absence limit with general meetings per semester. Students shall receive a warning after missing two meetings without legitimate excuse. Impeachment shall occur after a member has missed three meetings without a legitimate excuse. The three meeting limit will renew every semester


Article IV: Relationship with Other Student Organizations

Section I- Activities Calendar

It shall be the duty of the Student Government to maintain an activities calendar for publication to all students. Each club must submit dates of projects and activities to the Student Government to add to the activities calendar.

Section II- Mission Statement

Each and every club must submit a mission statement to the Student Government in order to define their role and objective so that the needs of the student body can be fulfilled.

Section III- Student Government Support

Student Government will make every effort to assist or support other clubs in being successful.


Article V: Lettering

Section I- Lettering Process

            For a Student Government representative to letter, they must accumulate a designated amount of points based on participation and commitment to the organization. Representatives shall be provided a copy of the lettering guidelines and rubric at the beginning of the year to inform them of the system. They shall then fill out a rubric in their name and turn it back in to the officers to use throughout the year as they keep records of the points earned.

Section II- Point System

             A. All events available to a Student Government representative shall have an available score of 0-10.

            `B. In regards to general meetings, a total of 20 points may be received. The percentage of general meetings a representative attended shall directly reflect the percentage of points, out of 20, a representative receives for the meeting category.

            C. Representatives that hold an officer position may receive up to 30 points if they are deemed worthy by evaluating their fulfillment of their position. Points received from this category shall not be included in the total points possible for lettering.

            D. The total amount of points possible may vary depending on the event load Student Government carries each school year.

            E. To receive a letter, or chord, representatives must receive 75% of the total amount of points possible for the school year.

Section III- Assigning Points

            Determining the amount of points a representative has received shall come from a majority consensus of the advisor, the President, and the Secretary. This process must be done at least once a quarter.

Section IV- Receiving Letters

            Representatives who letter their first time shall receive a Student Government Letter designed to be placed on a letterman’s jacket. Representatives who letter for a second and third time shall receive a gavel pin. Any senior that letters will receive a Student Government graduation chord.


Article VI: Elections and Transition of New Members

Section I- Election Process

A. The start of the election process shall be determined by the current advisor and President of Student Government. The process shall run for approximately one month’s time.

1.  The Application- The application shall be publicized for two weeks. The application will be available to any and all that wish to run for an office. Requirements to apply shall be determined by the advisor and President. The application must require at least a parental, teacher, and unit principle signature.

2. Signatures- Once the application has been turned in and approved, candidates must obtain signatures from the student body. If they are running for a class office, candidates must obtain signatures from their respected class worth 20% of the total class population. For those running for a Student Government office, candidates may obtain signatures from the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes worth 10% of that total student population. Candidates will have a week from the application deadline to obtain their signatures. Candidates may receive their student signature sheets early if they turn in the application earlier then the deadline.

3. Campaigning- Candidates may start official campaigning with posters after they turn in the necessary amount of signatures required. Candidates will be allowed two types of posters. One formal poster with the candidate’s platform ideas, and one informal poster which the candidate can do as they please. Posters must be approved by either the advisor or President.

4. Meet the Candidate- After a week of campaigning, Student Government shall host Meet the Candidate Day in the Student Center. The event will run from Mod 7-13. At this time, candidates will have the opportunity to walk around the Student Center during lunch mods to talk to students and potential voters. Voting day shall occur then immediate day after.

            B.  All other requirements, rules, and information pertaining to the election process shall be found in

 either the application packet or left up to the advisor for final decisions.





Section II- Voting

A. Vote Collection Method- Voting shall be conducted through Google Forms under the jurisdiction of Student Government. Google Forms shall be used until a majority vote by the executive board and the advisor is achieved to change the voting process.

B. The winning candidate in the Student Government Presidential race will be the candidate that receives the plurality of votes. In the case of the Class Officers, the President shall be the candidate receiving the plurality of votes, and the Vice President shall be the candidate receiving the second-most votes.

Section III- Voter Eligibility

To be eligible to vote, students must present a form of photo identification or student ID number.

Section IV- Freshman Elections

The election of freshman Class Officers will occur before the completion of the first quarter of the school year.

Section V- Tie

In the case of a tie, there shall be a special election by the appropriate members of Student Government.

Section VI- Transition Period

A meeting shall be established between the outgoing President and Vice President and the new President and Vice President. Appointments shall be made for the cabinet members during this meeting.


Article VII: Impeachment and Removal from Office

Section I- Reasons for Initiating Impeachment Procedures

            A. Failure to attend three meetings without legitimate excuses.

            B. Failure to complete activities in allotted time or not taking an active role or completing assigned duties as determined by the advisor, the President, or chairperson.

            C. Failure to comply with any other school regulations that could be grounds for impeachment shall be determined by the advisor.

Section II- Initiating Impeachment

If a member has a reason to initiate impeachment, then the member must discuss impeachment with the appropriate student government advisor.

Section III- Hearing in Front of Executive Board

The Executive Board has the authority to impose consequences up to and including removal from office. A two-thirds vote of the Executive Board is required for removal.

Section IV- In the Case of Impeachment

In the event of a resignation or impeachment, the line of succession will go into effect.

Section V- Line of Succession

1. Student Government Positions


            Vice President

            Public Relations Officer





2. Class Positions


            Vice President


Article VIII: Amendment Process

Section I- Proposal

            A. Members- Any member of the Student Government may propose amendments to the constitution.

            B. Student Body- The student body may propose amendments to the constitution by presenting the Student Government with 100 signatures reflecting the views of these students.

Section II- Ratification

A proposal amendment shall become a part of the constitution if ratified by a super majority (two-thirds majority) of the votes cast by the Student Government in a special election.


Article IX: Ratification of the Constitution

The constitution must be ratified by a super-majority vote of the representatives present at a designated general meeting. A quorum of eighteen members must be established to vote.




We, the undersigned, do hereby represent the student body of Mentor High School and endorse this constitution on this date­­­ ­__________________________.


Advisor: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                                      _______________________________________________

President: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                                   _______________________________________________

Vice President:                            _______________________________________________

Public Relations Specialist:        _______________________________________________

Secretary:                                    _______________________________________________

Historian:                                   _______________________________________________

Treasurer:                                   _______________________________________________

Senior President:                        _______________________________________________

Senior Vice President:                _______________________________________________

Junior President:                        _______________________________________________

Junior Vice President:                _______________________________________________

Sophomore President:                 _______________________________________________

Sophomore Vice President:         _______________________________________________

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